Hi, I'm sam! Six years ago I came to Australia for a better life and education ,I was born in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea(PNG).It had always been a dream of my parents to send my sister and I away for boarding school in Australia in the hopes to do something good for ourselves.

I can proudly say I have come a long way, and I still got a lot of learning to do. I, like you have always wondered if there was more than a 9-5 job, working endlessly under someone else's terms & conditions and living from pay check to pay check. I, like you was also paralysed by the stigma around affiliate marketing, pyramid scheme and the word 'digital' etc. I, like you too was terrified of failure , rejection and humiliation

That all changed when I came to realise I'd run out of love in my hospitality jobs.

I cast all my fears aside and realised only I was responsible for my story. I decided to give ME a chance, and that brought me to ...

The Freedom Affiliate.

This online business course is nothing like you've ever done, heard or seen.

This course is literally simplied that makes it so easy to read and follow. NO beating around the bushes! As someone who is absolutely slow in learning theories I thrive in practical practices and this is one of them. The more I learnt the more I craved knowledge and thats what got me here.